University of Arizona
Drea Howenstein

Drea Howenstein

October 1, 2014 Lecture: Mobilizing Participatory Practice and Emergent Design Pedagogies Mobilizing Participatory Practice and Emergent Design Pedagogies Emergence is a concept describing a certain threshold of complexity, when new properties begin to appear in...


Kimsooja, A Needle Woman, 1999 – 2001, video still from Cairo, 8 channel video projection, 6:33 loop, silent, Collection of The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, Courtesy of Kimsooja Studio Thursday, September 26, 2013, 5:30 PM  |  Center for Creative...
John Divola

John Divola

© John Divola, 1995-98, From Isolated Houses, N34°11.115′ W116°08.399′ Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 5:30 PM  |  Center for Creative Photography 108 Lecture: The Landscape And Things In The Way John Divola (b. 1949, Los Angeles) works primarily with...