2021-2022 Visiting Artists Motherboard #42020Ink on computer circuit board11 1/8 x 10 7/8 x 1 5/8 inches Photo Courtesy:Paul Salveson Analia Saban 02.10.2022 | 5:30pm Center for Creative Photography Analia Saban will give a comprehensive lecture about her art practice...
2021-2022 Visiting Artists Peter Aaron / OTTO Judy Pfaff 11.18.2021 | 5:30pm Center for Creative Photography Often cited as a pioneer of installation-art and contributor to the Pattern and Decoration Movement (P&D), Judy Pfaff has created work that spans...
2021-2022 Visiting Artists Jennifer Ling Datchuk American Flagdigital documented performanceporcelain beads from Jingdezhen, China, fake hair, steel rack, collected affirmations 2020 Jennifer Ling DatchukBabe Caveporcelain beads, fake hair, hair clips, wood, paracord...
2021-2022 Visiting Artists rafa esparza and Timo Fahler, IN, 2016. Installation view, Club Pro Gallery, Los Angeles.Courtesy Club Pro gallery. Rafa Esparza & Timo Fahler 10.07.2021 | 5:30pm Center for Creative Photography Los Angeles based artists rafa esparza...