Dwelling: From Space to Place in the Visual Arts
The University of Arizona School of Art Visiting Artist and Scholar Series, 2012-2013
Susan Meiselas
Thursday October 25, 2012, 5:30 PM | Center for Creative Photography 108
Andrea Zittel
Thursday January 31, 2012, 5:30 PM | Center for Creative Photography 108
Beatriz Colomina
Thursday February 28, 2012, 5:30 PM | Center for Creative Photography 108
Wafaa Bilal
Thursday April 4, 2012, 5:30 PM | Center for Creative Photography 108
Recent global events, including the financial crisis, political upheavals, and environmental catastrophes, have profoundly affected our awareness of our relationship to the domains we inhabit and over which we have stewardship. In this series four internationally recognized speakers demonstrate how art practice and scholarship can produce a critical awareness about art’s ideological contexts, and create new meanings for phenomena as familiar as our dwelling places and environments.
The School of Art Visiting Artist and Scholar lecture series is made possible by the Edward J. Gallagher, Jr. Memorial Endowment, The School of Art Advisory Board Visiting Artists and Scholars Endowment, The School of Art, The College of Fine Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence, and Center for Creative Photography. Susan Meiselas’s lecture is co-sponsored by the Center for Creative Photography.