From the book The Color of Angels: Cosmology, Gender and the Aesthetic Imagination, by Constance Classen, 1998: 138. New York: Routledge.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 6:00pm Ι Center for Creative Photography 108
Paul Bolin is interested in exploring the role objects play in the lives of people, primarily through investigating the meanings common to everyday objects present throughout our lives. These examinations occur through the study of material culture. His numerous writings and publications include two volumes co-edited with Kristin Congdon and Doug Blandy: Remembering Others: Making Invisible Histories of Art Education Visible (2000) and Community-Based Art Education Histories(2001). His compilation, Writings in Art Education: Recipients of the Manuel Barkan Memorial Award, 1970-1999, was published by the National Art Education Association in 2005. Recipient of numerous awards, teaching and writing recognition, Bolin has presented his research at various conferences throughout North America. He currently serves on the editorial review boards of the journals Visual Arts Research and Studies in Art Education.
Making the Invisible Visible | VASE 2007-2008

Lilla Locurto and Bill Outcault
Thursday, January 24, 2008, 5:30pm Ι Center for Creative Photography 108
Lynda Hartigan
Thursday, April 10, 2008, 5:30pm Ι Center for Creative Photography 108